Discover what type of entrepreneur are you and what you need to thrive as one

Looking to start a creative career but unsure of the first step? 

Dream of expressing your artistic side but struggle to boost your confidence?

Let’s begin your authentic journey, overcome self-doubt, and build your dream career.

Believe it

YOU are

There´s no better time to start than now

Believe in yourself,
trust your vision,
embrace your purpose
Unleash your
Creative Potential
Overcome self-doubt,
increase your self-confidence
Embrace Your New Creative Path,
create a future that excites

Creativity lives in us all, and finding your true voice will uncover the path to an amazing creative journey beyond fear.

I want you to know you are not alone…

Sound familiar?

  • Struggling to believe in your creative potential?
  • Feeling torn between your job and creative aspirations?
  • Overwhelmed by managing work, life, and your creative dreams?
  • Uncertain about starting a creative career path?
  • Lack of clarity on transitioning to a creative career?
  • Battling self-doubt and fear of failure?
  • Navigating resistance and skepticism from others?


What our clients says!


“….without her guiding me to re-organize my thoughts and get rid of those obstacles, I would still be struggling with my self-confidence today…”

I am one of those people who consider themselves lucky enough to have had the opportunity to be coached by Daniella. Her presence is so pure and genuine that one can only trust and be open to her, which helped me tremendously to articulate my self-doubts. Daniella’s listening skills are very special and without her guiding me to re-organize my thoughts and get rid of those obstacles, I would still be struggling with my self-confidence today… Thanks to her, I was able to connect with beautiful like-minded minds and take some personal risks to grow!

DYLAN NADALINActor, Life Coach, Self-Employed - Switzerland


“…She helped me structure my days in a more organized manner which enabled me to make great progress with my personal goals… I have improved my organizational skills and I’m feeling more confident than ever…”

I have found Daniella to be very patient and caring. She helped me structure my days in a more organized manner which enabled me to make great progress with my personal goals. From the very beginning, I felt very comfortable with Daniella, like I have known her for a long time; she is warm and welcoming, thanks to her I have improved my organizational skills and I’m feeling more confident than ever, I would highly recommend her.

FRANCES BOLTONIT Project Manager - Geneva – Switzerland


“…her coaching services are transformative!! I recommend Daniella as a life coach to anyone who wants to leverage their life to the next level!!”

Daniella has been an amazing coach on my journey to accepting love from others. Her dedication and commitment were very present in our coaching journey together and I’m so thankful to have Daniella helped me understand more about love and that it’s okay to accept it. Daniella’s questions helped me depth my relationships with my friends and loved ones and her coaching services are transformative!! I recommend Daniella as a life coach to anyone who wants to leverage their life to the next level!!

TRACY NGUYENeDiscovery and Forensic Specialist - Dentsu - Washington DC - United States


“…I was able to break down many limiting beliefs…, I was struggling in my relationships,… feeling low self-esteem…, Daniella helped me change my perspective…”

I was lucky enough to be coached by Daniella; in a period of one month, I was able to break down many limiting beliefs I had. I was struggling in my relationships, with family and friends. Having a hard time when being rejected in job interviews and feeling low self-esteem due to non-lasting love relationships.

Daniella helped me change my perspective in every difficult situation, I passed from feeling hurt and disappointed to being understanding and compassionate about others and myself. I was able to see qualities and gifts I wasn’t aware of myself and use them to create the future I was looking for. I appreciate today every relationship that didn’t work, as at the moment was what I needed and made me a better and stronger person.

I feel so much gratitude for Dani, for being such a good listener and coach, and for helping me find a better version of myself. I can highly recommend her!

TIANYI LIEntrepreneur & CEO DIY Zerowaste - Geneva – Switzerland


“… She helped me in a very overwhelming moment of my life. By the end of the session, I knew what I needed to do and felt motivated to take on the challenges ahead.”

I had one session with Dani and I can’t recommend her enough. She was easy to talk to and the session was energizing, reflective and insightful. She helped me in a very overwhelming moment of my life. By the end of the session, I knew what I needed to do and felt motivated to take on the challenges ahead.

TANIA CABANILLASMarketing Content Manager - Digital Hitmen - Perth - Australia

Without self-knowledge
There´s no transformation

Let’s embark on a transformative journey together:

  • Unleash your creative potential by banishing self-doubt.
  • Embrace the uncertainty of a new creative path.
  • Get rid of self-doubt and increase your self-confidence.
  • Light up your path to a rewarding creative career.
  • Face doubts and skepticism with determination.
  • Conquer overwhelm and find harmony in life and work.

Make the decision

Embrace Your Creative Potential

Transform Your Path

It’s not about the destination,
but about the journey.

Thinking about getting a job, a paycheck, and building a career in something secure, felt like the reasonable thing to do…

The opportunity cost? My life, my ambitions, my happiness, my true potential, my purpose.

But everything changed when I decided to believe in myself and take the risks I needed to take. I was determined to make it work no matter how hard it might be… and it’s been so worth it…

Transitioning from Employee to Creative Entrepreneur

Follow me here:

Ready to embark on a life-changing creative journey? Find the guidance and inspiration you are looking for right here.

Daniella´s Blog

Weekly Inspiration and Tips for Your Creative Journey Await Every Friday. Subscribe for Free Access.


Is it worth it?

If you listen carefully, what is your heart telling you? where is it guiding you? ….
Is there something you always wanted but something’s holding your feet still, not moving from where you are, same thoughts, same fears, same doubts…
What if it doesn’t work? – you ask.


Just open that door

Hello online community, In today’s world, most of us find ourselves here — scrolling, spending time, seeking distraction and entertainment — perhaps searching for inspiration, motivation, or the opportunity to learn something new. We all scroll until something captures our attention. I don’t know if this is entertaining enough, but for me, it’s like a door opening after years of telling myself I’m not good enough to go after my dreams. Even after listening to people I love and others tell me, “Those things just happen to one in a million,” or “That’s for the lucky ones,” or whatever, you know, the type of things we end up telling ourselves at the end. I hope this may be good enough to make you pause. If not, that’s okay. This is a door opening for me, and luckily for some of you too. God knows how much I needed other strangers to write, post, or make a video saying the right thing at the right moment, hitting me right where I needed. Maybe thanks to that, I finally got the courage to stand up in front of that scary and desperately needed door; the one I’m facing today. I just came to my senses, realizing that part of this anxiety, this constant worrying about the future and looking back to the past, paralyzing us in what we could be capable of doing today, has a lot to do, and not only, with a lack of authenticity, authenticity without shame, but with pride. What we do, who we are, and what we desire so badly need honesty — 100% brutal honesty. If not, isn’t it a lie? Isn’t it common to see everyone else doing exactly the same thing, almost in the same way? (e.g., in social media, but not only) Suddenly we are programming ourselves to behave, look, talk in a way that agrees with what others do, or what we think others would like or approve. I’m not saying is wrong to do what others are doing, of course if something works out and you see that with admiration, then there are always behaviors and ways that are ok to sort of imitate, after all isn’t that the way we learned almost everything since we used diapers? But my point is, aren’t we more driven by people that we can immediately tell that they are being themselves, being honest, speaking their way, acting with no shame? We all want to break free, break free from the strings we all put on ourselves, like there is one only way, like there is only one correct way to live life. We -have to- question what we see, what we listen, what we are told, and see if it aligns with us, if it aligns with our values. From very early on we learn to believe what we hear and we make it part of our belief system, and yes, what we believe shapes the way we behave and the future that awaits us. Let me share something with you: “My English is good enough”, I think. Until someone comes and tells me that I translated from Spanish to English in the wrong way or that my Latin American accent sounds funny when I speak. “My writing is good”, I think. Then someone comes and tells me I’ve never written a novel before, so how do I know?. “I have talent for this”, I think. Then someone tells me there are so many talented people, and what makes me think I’m one of them?. “I made the right choice to bet on myself and do something I love”. I think. Then someone comes and tells me, “What the hell were you thinking quitting that great job you had?” And to those people, let me take this out of my chest: Why do I have to care about what you think of me or what I do? At least I’m here trying. Are you?. But to be honest, you know what’s my usual answer to that?… I doubt myself, I think they are probably right, “who the hell do I think I am?”… And here is the truth, you know who dared tell me those things? The most loving and cruel person in the world — me. Some people told me something along the way, what was supposed to be an insignificant comment got printed in me. I played that record every time I wanted to try something out, and I even got creative to sabotage myself so I created more cruel things to tell me. Damn, we can be hard on ourselves. But it can change when we understand that those cruel words don’t come out of cruelty but protection and fear. And I don’t know if you ask yourself this now or not, but it’s what I would ask myself right now: HOW?, how do I shut it up?! Here’s the thing, you can’t. This is your alarm system. If there’s a risk of fire, it will tell you. It’s our survivor mode. You don’t want it off either. But here’s what you can do: ANSWER. Don’t ever stay silent and accept everything that is being told to you, not even by yourself. If you want an example, here is my answer: “Don’t you dare come take MY dream from me, and don’t even think about judging what I do and how I do it. I will love every step of my journey. Don’t you dare take the love I feel about this from me. You think I’m terrible? That’s fine. You think I won’t make it? Time will tell. You think I should do it in this or that way? I don’t care. That’s the real dream — not noticing hours have passed by because I love the process so much, betting on myself, believing in me, doing it my way. So this is my thing. I’ll do it however I want. This is my space, my time, I’m not ahead, I’m not behind, I’m where I am supposed to be. I know you want the best for me, but you are not helping me. I know you care, but this is the way you can care and protect myself at the same time — letting me try.” Now, feel free to use this or write your own answer and make sure it gets printed in you for the rest of your life. Before I say goodbye, and since I’m promoting brutal honesty… The truth about why I was so far away from the door I’m facing today (and for me that’s writing and publishing it) is that I wanted recognition. I needed people so badly to tell me I’m good at this. I craved the approval, the validation. I needed to look great, to speak perfectly, to do everything and achieve it all. I yearned for the job, the title, the admiration. I needed so desperately to only reveal something when I had it altogether, when I had achieved it. The process was embarrassing. I needed so badly to not let others down, to avoid making a joke out of myself. I felt ashamed of my decisions, of my seemingly crazy dreams. I shared this with you because I believe that reason we often find ourselves not really trying, or the reason we start but suddenly stop or don’t feel great about it, is because we are not being honest. If you do it your way, if you are brutally honest about what you want to do and how you want to do it, if you align all of it with what you care about, it will stop feeling like an effort; it will feel natural. There’s nothing to hide, nothing to pretend. There’s no right or wrong; you can’t go wrong. Genuine is never wrong; it’s admirable in the deepest way. Anyway, this is the real door, and on the other side is the authentic you. What’s so scary about it? Isn’t it exhausting on this side already? Haven’t you had enough of this? Isn’t it worth it? What’s the worst that can happen? And now, what’s the best? Why not choose the best possible outcome for an instance? Isn’t life too short for later regrets? So many years have passed for me — pretending, trying, doing, hiding, comparing myself, forcing myself to abandon my dreams. How many have passed for you? Who said it had to be all or nothing? Who said there’s only one way to do it? Damn the people we are listening to these days that convince us to believe those lies. I’m no one, just someone who loves writing and who finally got the courage to open that door. You also have one in front of you, and you are the only one holding that key. No one else is going to come do it for you. Whoever you are, whatever age you are, and wherever you are reading this from right now… I believe you can do this. I’m sure you’ve done harder things, but this one is for you. You are the person who needs to give yourself the hardest love, and the hardest love is the truth — the truth you only know about yourself, and “no one ever regrets being brave.” I hope this gets you closer, if not there. With love, Honest me.


Is it worth it? 

If you listen carefully, what is your heart telling you? where is it guiding you? …. Is there something you always...


Just open that door

Hello online community, In today’s world, most of us find ourselves here — scrolling, spending time, seeking distraction and entertainment — perhaps searching for inspiration, motivation, or the opportunity to learn something new. We all scroll until something captures our attention. I don’t know if this is entertaining enough, but for me, it’s like a door opening after years of telling myself I’m not good enough to go after my dreams. Even after listening to people I love and others tell me, “Those things just happen to one in a million,” or “That’s for the lucky ones,” or whatever, you know, the type of things we end up telling ourselves at the end. I hope this may be good enough to make you pause. If not, that’s okay. This is a door opening for me, and luckily for some of you too. God knows how much I needed other strangers to write, post, or make a video saying the right thing at the right moment, hitting me right where I needed. Maybe thanks to that, I finally got the courage to stand up in front of that scary and desperately needed door; the one I’m facing today. I just came to my senses, realizing that part of this anxiety, this constant worrying about the future and looking back to the past, paralyzing us in what we could be capable of doing today, has a lot to do, and not only, with a lack of authenticity, authenticity without shame, but with pride. What we do, who we are, and what we desire so badly need honesty — 100% brutal honesty. If not, isn’t it a lie? Isn’t it common to see everyone else doing exactly the same thing, almost in the same way? (e.g., in social media, but not only) Suddenly we are programming ourselves to behave, look, talk in a way that agrees with what others do, or what we think others would like or approve. I’m not saying is wrong to do what others are doing, of course if something works out and you see that with admiration, then there are always behaviors and ways that are ok to sort of imitate, after all isn’t that the way we learned almost everything since we used diapers? But my point is, aren’t we more driven by people that we can immediately tell that they are being themselves, being honest, speaking their way, acting with no shame? We all want to break free, break free from the strings we all put on ourselves, like there is one only way, like there is only one correct way to live life. We -have to- question what we see, what we listen, what we are told, and see if it aligns with us, if it aligns with our values. From very early on we learn to believe what we hear and we make it part of our belief system, and yes, what we believe shapes the way we behave and the future that awaits us. Let me share something with you: “My English is good enough”, I think. Until someone comes and tells me that I translated from Spanish to English in the wrong way or that my Latin American accent sounds funny when I speak. “My writing is good”, I think. Then someone comes and tells me I’ve never written a novel before, so how do I know?. “I have talent for this”, I think. Then someone tells me there are so many talented people, and what makes me think I’m one of them?. “I made the right choice to bet on myself and do something I love”. I think. Then someone comes and tells me, “What the hell were you thinking quitting that great job you had?” And to those people, let me take this out of my chest: Why do I have to care about what you think of me or what I do? At least I’m here trying. Are you?. But to be honest, you know what’s my usual answer to that?… I doubt myself, I think they are probably right, “who the hell do I think I am?”… And here is the truth, you know who dared tell me those things? The most loving and cruel person in the world — me. Some people told me something along the way, what was supposed to be an insignificant comment got printed in me. I played that record every time I wanted to try something out, and I even got creative to sabotage myself so I created more cruel things to tell me. Damn, we can be hard on ourselves. But it can change when we understand that those cruel words don’t come out of cruelty but protection and fear. And I don’t know if you ask yourself this now or not, but it’s what I would ask myself right now: HOW?, how do I shut it up?! Here’s the thing, you can’t. This is your alarm system. If there’s a risk of fire, it will tell you. It’s our survivor mode. You don’t want it off either. But here’s what you can do: ANSWER. Don’t ever stay silent and accept everything that is being told to you, not even by yourself. If you want an example, here is my answer: “Don’t you dare come take MY dream from me, and don’t even think about judging what I do and how I do it. I will love every step of my journey. Don’t you dare take the love I feel about this from me. You think I’m terrible? That’s fine. You think I won’t make it? Time will tell. You think I should do it in this or that way? I don’t care. That’s the real dream — not noticing hours have passed by because I love the process so much, betting on myself, believing in me, doing it my way. So this is my thing. I’ll do it however I want. This is my space, my time, I’m not ahead, I’m not behind, I’m where I am supposed to be. I know you want the best for me, but you are not helping me. I know you care, but this is the way you can care and protect myself at the same time — letting me try.” Now, feel free to use this or write your own answer and make sure it gets printed in you for the rest of your life. Before I say goodbye, and since I’m promoting brutal honesty… The truth about why I was so far away from the door I’m facing today (and for me that’s writing and publishing it) is that I wanted recognition. I needed people so badly to tell me I’m good at this. I craved the approval, the validation. I needed to look great, to speak perfectly, to do everything and achieve it all. I yearned for the job, the title, the admiration. I needed so desperately to only reveal something when I had it altogether, when I had achieved it. The process was embarrassing. I needed so badly to not let others down, to avoid making a joke out of myself. I felt ashamed of my decisions, of my seemingly crazy dreams. I shared this with you because I believe that reason we often find ourselves not really trying, or the reason we start but suddenly stop or don’t feel great about it, is because we are not being honest. If you do it your way, if you are brutally honest about what you want to do and how you want to do it, if you align all of it with what you care about, it will stop feeling like an effort; it will feel natural. There’s nothing to hide, nothing to pretend. There’s no right or wrong; you can’t go wrong. Genuine is never wrong; it’s admirable in the deepest way. Anyway, this is the real door, and on the other side is the authentic you. What’s so scary about it? Isn’t it exhausting on this side already? Haven’t you had enough of this? Isn’t it worth it? What’s the worst that can happen? And now, what’s the best? Why not choose the best possible outcome for an instance? Isn’t life too short for later regrets? So many years have passed for me — pretending, trying, doing, hiding, comparing myself, forcing myself to abandon my dreams. How many have passed for you? Who said it had to be all or nothing? Who said there’s only one way to do it? Damn the people we are listening to these days that convince us to believe those lies. I’m no one, just someone who loves writing and who finally got the courage to open that door. You also have one in front of you, and you are the only one holding that key. No one else is going to come do it for you. Whoever you are, whatever age you are, and wherever you are reading this from right now… I believe you can do this. I’m sure you’ve done harder things, but this one is for you. You are the person who needs to give yourself the hardest love, and the hardest love is the truth — the truth you only know about yourself, and “no one ever regrets being brave.” I hope this gets you closer, if not there. With love, Honest me.


Is it worth it? 

If you listen carefully, what is your heart telling you? where is it guiding you? …. Is there something you always...

We’re Only As Good As Our Worst Habits
So let’s say goodbye to them and build new ones
that help us discover our true creative path.

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Just remember…

There’s no better moment than NOW,
it’s the only moment you can control to
start shaping your future.